The Department of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare in collaboration with DSE&L, Govt. of India has launched a School Soil Health Programme. This programme aims at creating awareness amongst the students about the importance of soil health for sustainable agricultural practices for wellbeing of mother Earth. The programme has been launched in 1000 schools across the country, where 8 schools have been earmarked in Arunachal Pradesh. As a part of such noble cause, ICAR-KVK Namsai has organized a day long training on “Soil sample Collection, Testing and Generation of Soil Health cards” at Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya, Mahadevpur in collaboration with District Agriculture Office, Tezu, Arunachal Pradesh on 29th April, 2024. Dr. Madhumita Sonowal Bora, SMS Plant Protection of KVK Namsai acted as resource person to provide detailed training on importance of soil analysis, methods of soil sample collection, analysis, interpretation and generation of soil health cards. The programme was attended by 28 students of JNV along 6 teaching, non teaching staff and 5 DAO, Tezu officials. Such training programmes envisages on generation of awareness among the farmers to use soil health card for judicious use of fertilizers to reduce emission of green house gases and check soil degradation by igniting minds of young school children’s.