ICAR Research Complex for NEH Region is Celebrating Golden Jubilee Year 2024-2025  

Division of Animal and Fisheries Sciences (DAFS) , Umiam-793103
Dr. S. Ghatak
Principal Scientist and Head
Veterinary Public Health
: Sandeep.Ghatak@icar.gov.in

The Division of Animal and Fisheries Sciences (DAFS) was formed in the year 2021 by merging three previously existing divisions of the institute viz., Division of Livestock Production, Division of Animal Health and Division of Fisheries. The main objective of the division is to promote health and productivity of domestic animals and fishes through basic, applied and strategic research to bring sustainable development and self-reliance in the livestock and fisheries sector of Northeastern India. The Division is collaborating with the animal and fisheries scientists of six regional centers of the institute located in Arunachal Pradesh, Manipur, Mizoram,

Nagaland, Sikkim and Tripura who are coordinating with the respective state governments. The division is also continuously providing technical help and other consultancy services to all the stakeholders of the region. Keeping pace with International developments made in the subject as well as looking into regional (NER) priorities, significant contributions have been made through a number of research projects undertaken in different areas of animal breeding, reproduction, nutrition, husbandry and management practices, economically important animal, zoonotic and foodborne diseases, antimicrobial resistance, transboundary animal diseases, conservation of animal and fish genetic resources, nanotechnology, quality fish seed production, development of diagnostics, food safety, climate resilient technologies, value addition and development of livestock and fish products, ornamental fish breeding and rearing, supply chain management, non-conventional feed for livestock, poultry and fish, etc.

Scientific Staff

Dr. S.K. Das
Principal Scientist
: +9435733620
Dr. K. Puro
Principal Scientist
: +91 8974 908 161
: K.puro@icar.gov.in
Dr. Meena Das
Senior Scientist
: 8486356433
: meenad3@gmail.com
Dr. Chandan Debnath
Senior Scientist
: +919862689090
: chandannath23@gmail.com
Dr. S. Deori
Senior Scientist
: +91-9401274039
: sourabhd1@rediffmail.com
Dr. Samir Das
Senior Scientist
: 8730856556
: drsamirvph@yahoo.com
Mr. Gojendro Singh
: 8256931102
: sadokpam.singh@icar.gov.in
Dr. A.A.P. Milton
: +91 8630885294
: vetmilton@gmail.com
Dr. Rahul Katiyar
: 8192829290
: rahul.katiyarvet@gmail.com
Tasso Tayung
: +91-8142799209
: tassotayung@gmail.com


  • To conduct basic, applied and strategic research to enhance production and productivity in livestock and poultry sector for profitable and sustainable farming in NE hill ecosystem.
  • To conduct basic, applied and strategic research on endemic/emerging/transboundary animal and zoonotic diseases including diseases associated with foods of animal and aquatic origin and other animal health issues of the region.
  • To conduct basic, applied and strategic research to enhance production and productivity of fishes, conservation of indigenous fishes as well as promotion of fish-based farming system in the NEH region.

Thrust Areas

  • Research and surveillance of economically important animal diseases of NE India
  • Research and surveillance of transboundary and emerging animal diseases
  • Animal and aquatic origin food safety and foodborne diseases
  • Antimicrobial resistance
  • Zoonotic diseases
  • Promotion of one-health concept and intersectoral collaboration
  • Animal/public health impact analysis in integrated/composite/organic farming systems
  • Pig breeding and development of suitable pig variety in hill ecosystem
  • Development of low-cost locally available animal feed resources
  • Assisted reproductive techniques (ART) and other reproductive biotechnological tools to augment fertility and productivity.
  • Conservation of indigenous livestock and poultry in NEH ecosystem
  • Biodynamics of livestock based integrated farming system to enhance productivity per unit land area, besides soil-plant-animal interaction.
  • Climate resilient livestock technology in hill ecosystem
  • Value chain management of livestock produces
  • Quality fish seed production
  • Fish species diversification in aquaculture
  • Fish based farming system
  • Fisheries resources management
  • Ornamental fish breeding and rearing
  • Value addition and development of livestock and fish products
  • Animal and fish feed formulation
  • Fish disease and health management
  • Aquaculture systems
  • Transfer technology and capacity building (Livestock and Fisheries)

Major Research Achievements

Developed new crossbred variety called Lumsniang for NE hill ecosystem for better productivity
Developed climate resilient pigpen model to enhance productivity and water use efficiency
Developed low-cost portable dummy sow for semen collection in boar
Produced more than seven thousand cross bred piglets through AI technology in the backyard tribal pig production system.
Developed five innovative value-added functional meat products
Developed pig bristle processing methodology and bristle products
Indigenous pigs like Chambal Walk and Cham Black were characterized and applied for registration.
Developed seasonal specific feed formulation for pigs to reduce climate stress
Optimized boar semen cryopreservation protocol and AI carried out with frozen thawed semen.
Successfully introduced Murrah Buffalo and Sirohi goats in hill ecosystem to enhance productivity.
Formulated low-cost pig ration with locally available non-conventional feed ingredients including banana pseudo stem, brewery waste, etc.
Improved piglets and poultry chicks were distributed to farmers as a crtical inputs under TSP
Popularized improved pig and poultry varieties viz., Vanaraja, Srinidhi and Gramapriya
For the first time in India, two exotic animal diseases were reported by the division- PRRS (August, 2012) & ASF (March, 2020)
Global first documentation of New Delhi metallo-β-lactamase 5 (NDM5) gene in E. coli isolated from milk and molecular modelling was done
Whole genome sequencing and analysis were done for more than 50pathogenic isolates (Brucella, Klebsiella, E. coli, M. chelonae, PCV2 and CSFV)
First report of important pathogens in domestic and wild animals in Meghalaya/NER/India- M. novocastrense, M. lentiflavum, A. baumannii, E. rhusiopathiae, Giardia spp., Leptospira in pigs, C. perfringens in ducks, CSFV in cattle, BVDV in pigs, CDV in wild Felidae, etc
Vaccine prototypes were developed for CSFV RK-13, E. rhusiopathiae,and Listeria monocytogenes
Indirect ELISA for detection of CSF antibodies using cell culture adapted RK-13 viral antigen was developed and standardized
Mastitis Detection Card Test Kit- Filter paper-based detection method for rapid screening of mastitis from milk samples was developed and commercialized.
Novel Polymerase Spiral Reaction (PSR) tests were developed for rapid, visual and on-site detection of Salmonella, Staphylococcus aureus, Clostridium perfringens, Campylobacter jejuni and Campylobacter coli (5 tests)
Novel saltatory rolling circle amplification (SRCA) testss were developed for rapid, visual and on-site detection of Salmonella, Clostridium perfringens, Campylobacter jejuni and Campylobacter coli (4 tests)
Pan-genome analysis was done for Aeromonas hydrophila, Aeromonas veronii and Aeromonas caviae
Development of novel methodology for phytofabrication of nanoemulsions with antimicrobial activity
Reticuloendotheliosis virus (REV) integration in poxvirus was detected in poultry.
Dot-ELISA kit for Bunostomum with suitable modification was developed and used
Standardized molecular diagnosis forEimeria spp. in poultry; Standardized molecular technique for detection of anthelmintic resistance in goats particularly Haemonchuscontortus infection in goats of this hilly region.
Diagnostic platforms (molecular/serological) were developed for economically important animal and zoonotic pathogens such as CSFV, JEV, C. cellulosae, Babesia spp. Salmonella, C. perfringens, S. aureus, Campylobacter, etc.
Establishment of bio-containment facility (Biosafety level III cabinet with biosafety level II practices) for handling biohazard level 3 pathogens including Mycobacterium spp., Brucella spp., Bacillus anthracis etc.
Conventional and molecular diagnostics developed for detection of Mycobacterial infection viz.,Mycobacterium bovis, M.tuberculosis and Non tuberculous mycobacterium in man and animals alongwith repository building for important mycobacterial species.
Establishment of serological evidence for Japanese encephalitis in pigs of Meghalaya and actively participated in the control and prevention of two major JE outbreaks in human in the state of Meghalaya.
Laboratory confirmation of Erysipelothrixrhusiopathiae cases in the state of Meghalaya and its further serological confirmation in pigs.
Rice- Fish farming model under mid hill condition was developed and evaluated
Fish-cum poultry cum Horticulture farming under mid altitude conditionwas developed and evaluated
Simple protocol for seed production of improved variety of common carp (Cyprinus carpio)- Amur variety(Hungarian strain) and Pengba (Ostebramabelangeri) was developed.
Utilization of Jalkund (water harvesting ponds) in fish seed rearing
Pond based low–cost cage culture for fish seed rearingand cage culture in large water bodiesweredemonstrated in Meghalaya
Fish feed preparation with locally available ingredients (Azolla) and Biofloc production using 6 (six) locally available carbohydrate sources (viz. rice bran, wheat flour, sweet potato, yam, tapioca and rice husk.
Standardization of Ornamental Fishes breeding and rearing under mid hill condition
Patent granted for“Method for producing an effective vaccine against salmonellosis using gamma radiation” (Patent No. 299482)
Patent filed for “Low-cost portable Dummy sow with mating grunt voice system” (Application no: 430/KOL/2013, Published on:24/10/2014).
Patent filed for “A method of effective virus isolation ((201931000070 A)
Patent filed for“Classical swine fever virus (CSFV) antigen adapted in heterologous cell line and a kit thereof” (201931000071 A)
Patent filed for“Isothermal RNA amplification method & detection of CSFV” (TEMP/E1/464470/2020/KOL)
Patent filed for“Coagulated milk (paneer) sausage and preparation method thereof” (TEMP/E1/47410/2020/KOL)

Major On-going Research Projects

Title of the Project Principal Investigator Funding Agency
An attempt to generate transgenic pig though testicular transgenesis or male germ cell transplantation to enhance productivity Dr. G. Kadirvel DBT
Value chain on processing of novel duck meat and egg products under existing farming system of NER for entrepreneurship development. Dr. S. Doley DBT
Structural and Functional Characteterization of Sperm surface glycans and development of Novel Glycan based Fertility Biomarker.   Dr. G. Kadirvel DST-SERB
Pork marketing chains in North East India for sustainable livelihood of tribal women (Assam, Meghalaya and Nagaland) Dr. G. Kadirvel ICAR NASF
All India Coordinated Research Project (AICRP) on Pig Dr. G. Kadirvel ICAR
Poultry Seed Project (PSP) Dr. S. Doley ICAR
Does antimicrobial resistance (AMR) in livestock contribute to AMR in people in NE India? An interdisciplinary study investigating antibiotic use, drivers of AMR, and transmission dynamics” (RCUK). Dr. S. Ghatak DBT
Molecular platform for epidemiology, disease mapping and development of diagnostics for economically important diseases of ducks.   Dr. R.K. Sanjukta DBT
Plant encapsulated nanosystem: An alternative to antimicrobial growth promoter in Poultry health in Northeastern India (Twining). Dr. R.K. Sanjukta DBT
Development of reverse genetic based recombinant Newcastle disease virus model for understanding immune response in patients infected with Hepatitis C Virus Dr. K. Puro DBT
Establishment of Biotech-KISAN Hub at ICAR Research Complex for NEH Region, Umiam Meghalaya Dr. R. Laha DBT
Expansion of Activities of Biotech-KISAN Hub in selected seven Aspirational Districts of North East States Dr. R. Laha DBT
Deployment of Polymerase spiral reaction as “point-of-care” diagnostic toolkits to detect Staphylococcal and Salmonella contaminated food at source. Dr. A.A.P. Milton DST-SEED
Do synanthropic and sylvatic rodents play role in the ecology of emerging zoonotic and antimicrobial resistant pathogens? Dr. A.A.P. Milton DST-SERB
High resolution Genome Based Tracing of Antimicrobial Resistant Escherichia coli in Pork production chain to identify the Critical Control Points: A One Health System Study (Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation - Grant Challenge India) Dr. S. Ghatak BIRAC
AICRP on Animal disease monitoring and surveillance (ADMAS). Dr. Samir Das ICAR
ICMR Project on Zoonoses Dr. A. Sen ICMR
Effect of heat stress on productive and reproductive traits in goat and their adaptation strategies. Dr. S. Deori ICAR-NICRA
Amelioration of climate stress through nutritional and housing management in poultry Dr. S. Doley ICAR-NICRA
Understanding the unique traits of pig and poultry which make them resilient to climate change and development of database. Dr. G. Kadirvel ICAR-NICRA
Risk assessment of chemical, microbial and parasitic hazard associated with food of animal and aquatic origin in Meghalaya. Dr. S. Ghatak Institute
Epidemiology of swine erysipelas vaccine development. Dr. Samir Das Institute
Seroepidemiology of tissue dwelling zoonotic foodborne parasites in rural pigs of Northeast India. Dr. A.A.P. Milton Institute
Studies on the Immune Response of Classical Swine Fever (CSF) Vaccine Dr. K. Puro Institute
Parasitic Infections in Buffaloes in North East region and its managements Dr. R. Laha Institute
Characterization of Immunogenic Proteins of Rhipicephalus(Boophilus) microplus Tick and its effect as a Vaccine in Experimentally Infested Rabbits Dr. M. Das Institute
Studies on Drug sensitivity and Genetic diversity of Eimeria isolates from Meghalaya. Dr. M. Das Institute
Conservation and improvement of Indigenous cattle in North East of India Dr. G. Kadirvel Institute
Conservation and propagation of Indigenous goat germplasms of north eastern hill region of India Dr. S. Deori Institute
Reproductive and hatchery management to optimize duck and turkey production in Meghalaya Dr. S. Doley Institute
Development and evaluation of improved germplasm for rural poultry production in NEH Region Dr. S. Doley Institute
Productive and reproductive performance of crossbreed pigs on feeding unconventional feed resources Dr. K. K. Baruah Institute
Effect of E. coli membrane fragment (oxyrase) on reduction of oxygen tension of extender and freezability of bull semen Dr. R. Kumar Institute
Development of innovative value-added meat products and entrepreneurship development in north east hill region of India under Meat Processing Unit Dr. G. Kadirvel Institute


The Division is equipped with BSL III/ BSL II cabinets, thermal cycler, real-time PCR, cell culture facility, CO2 incubator, freeze drier, ultraAnimal Health Clinic, etc.
Various laboratories and farm facilities under DAFS are as follows

  • Foodborne and Animal Pathogens Lab.
  • Molecular Epidemiology Lab.
  • Zoonoses Lab.
  • Immunological Lab.
  • Nanotechnology Lab.
  • Mycobacteriology Lab.
  • Parasitology Lab.
  • In vitro Fertilization Lab.
  • Semen Biology Lab.
  • Animal Nutrition Lab.
  • Molecular Genetics Lab.
  • Cell Culture Facility
  • Computational Genomics Facility
  • Animal Health Clinic
  • Small Animal Experimentation Unit
  • Mini Fish Feed Preparation and Analysis Unit
  • Fish Museum
  • Fish Farm and Carp Hatchery Facility
  • Pig, Goat and Rabbit Farm
  • Poultry Farm
  • Dairy Farm
  • Meat Processing Unit
  • Milk Processing Unit

| Molecular Epidemiology Laboratory (Animal Health)

| Mastitis Detection Card Test Kit

| BSL-3 Cabinet in Mycobacteriology Laboratory

| Lumsninang Gilt

| Jakhrana Goat

| Indigenous Cattle of Meghalaya

| Amur carp -a Genetically Improved Variety of Common Carp (Hungarian strain)

| Experimental Fish Farm of the Institute

Services offered

  • Diagnostic services and outbreak investigation
  • Clinical (therapeutic and preventive health) services
  • Food safety services
  • Propagation of improved pig and poultry
  • Artificial insemination in Pigs
  • Propagation of quality fish seeds for food and ornamental purposes
  • Custom hiring services in meat and milk processing units
  • Training (farmers, entrepreneurs, paravets, inseminators, food processors and other stake holders)
  • Outreach programmes
  • Consultancy services

Research Publications (>6 NAAS Score) (Last 5 years)


Sl. No.

Research Publications

1Rajukumar K, Senthilkumar D, Venkatesh G, Singh F, Patil VP, Kombiah S, Tosh C, Dubey CK, Sen A, Barman NN, Chakravarty A, Dutta B, Pegu SR, Bharali A, Singh VP. Genetic characterization of African swine fever virus from domestic pigs in India. Transboundary and Emerging Disease. doi: 10.1111/tbed.13986.
2Milton, A.A.P., Momin, K.M., Ghatak, S., Thomas, S.C., Priya, G.B., Angappan, M., Das, S., Sanjukta, R.K., Puro, K., Shakuntala, I., Sen, A., Kandpal, B.K. 2021. Development of a novel polymerase spiral reaction (PSR) assay for rapid and visual detection of Staphylococcus aureus in meat. LWT Food Science &Technology 139, 110507.
3Bhattacharjee U, Sen A, Sharma I. 2020. Development of cost-effective quantitative PCR method for parallel detection of porcine circoviruDr. R. Laha and porcine parvovirus in perspective of North-eastern India.Tropical Animal Health and Production 53(1):177.
4Milton, A.A.P., Momin, K.M., Priya G.B., Das, S., Angappan M., Sen A., Sinha D.K., Sen A. 2021. Development of a novel visual detection technique for Campylobacter jejuniin chicken meat and caecum using polymerase spiral reaction (PSR) with pre-added dye. Food Control, 126, 108064.
5Milton, A.A.P., Momin, K.M., Priya G.B., Ghatak S., Das, S., Gandhale P.N., Angappan M., Sen A. 2021. Development of novel visual detection methodology for Salmonella in meat using saltatory rolling circle amplification (SRCA). Journal of Applied Microbiology, doi.org/10.1111/jam.15099.
6Milton, A.A.P., Momin, K.M., Ghatak S., Priya G.B., Angappan M, Das S., Puro K., R.K. Sanjukta, I. Shakuntala, Sen A, Kandpal B.K. 2021. Development of a novel polymerase spiral reaction (PSR) assay for rapid and visual detection of Clostridium perfringens in meat. Heliyon, 7(1): e05941.
7Milton, A.A.P., Momin, K.M., Priya G.B., Ghatak S., Gandhale P.N., Angappan M., Das S, Sen A. 2021. A novel in situ methodology for visual detection of Clostridium perfringens in pork harnessing saltatory rolling circle amplification. Anaerobe, 69, 102324.
8Vise, E., Ghatak, S., Garg, A., Karam, A., Prasad, C.B., Milton, A.A.P., Shakuntala, I., Puro, K., Sanjukta, R.K., Sen, A., and Das, S. 2021. Whole Genome Sequencing and Analysis of Mycobacteroideschelonae M77 Isolated from Cow Milk from the Hill State of Meghalaya, India. Indian Journal of Animal Research. DOI: 10.18805/IJAR.B-4007.
9Kadirvel G,Devi Y.S., Singh L.A.,Singh N.M.,Baruah K.K., Kandpal B.K. 2021. Productive and reproductive performances of two-breed and three-breed pig crosses with Niang Megha, Hampshire and Duroc inheritance reared under subtropical Eastern Himalayan, Tropical Animal Health and Production 53 (1), 1-9.
10Kumar R., Gupta I.D., Verma A., Singh S., Kumari R., Verma N. 2021. Genetic polymorphism in HSPB6 gene and their association with heat tolerance traits in Indian Karan Fries (Bos taurus x Bos indicus) cattle. Animal Biotechnology. DOI: 10.1080/10495398.2021.1899939.
11Kumari, R., Kumar, R., Dayal, S., Chandran, P. C., Kumar, S., Ray, P. K., Kamal, R.K. and Dey, A. 2021. Development of qPCR assay for estimation of transcriptional abundance of chemokines during embryonic implantation in buffaloes. Buffalo Bulletin, 40 (1): 45-55.
12Abhishek Kumar, Subrata Kumar Ghosh, Rahul Katiyar, Rupali Rautela, AmarjeetBisla, Athanas Alex Ngou, MeghaPande, Neeraj Srivastava, Sanjeev Kumar Bhure. 2021. Effect of mito-tempo incorporated semen extender on physico-morphological attributes and functional membrane integrity of frozen thawed buffalo spermatozoa. Cryo Letters. 42 (2): 111-119.
13Lhendup Bhutia, Abhishek Kumar, Rahul Katiyar, Vinod Gupta, M. Ramamoorthy, S.K. Bhure, N. Srivastava, J.K. Prasad, S.K. Ghosh. 2021. Partial Deoxygenation of Semen Extender Minimizes Post-thaw Damages and Improves Freezability of Crossbred Bull Spermatozoa. Indian Journal of Animal Research. 10.18805/IJAR.B-4377.
14Vinod Kumar Gupta, S. K. Srivastava, S. K. Ghosh, N. Srivastava, G. Singh, M. R. Verma, Rahul Katiyar, Ramamoorthy Muthu, L. Bhutia, Abhishek Kumar, and Rohit Singh. 2021. Effect of endogenous hormones, antisperm antibody and oxidative stress on semen quality of crossbred bulls. Animal Biotechnology. https://doi.org/10.1080/10495398.2021.1905656.
15Das S K, S G Singh, Mahanta P, A Das and N P Devi .2021. A combination of fish culture with Labeogonius (Hamilton, 1822) and Cyprinus carpioLinnaeus, 1758 under mid-hill condition in Meghalaya, North-east India. Indian Journal of Fisheries 68(1):113-116, 2021.

Sl. No.

Research Publications

1G Kadirvel, NM Singh, M Rahman, LA Singh, G Khargharia and R Kumar. 2020. A comparative evaluation on productive and reproductive traits of tamworth x desi and Hampshire x Niang Megha pigs under subtropical hill ecosystem in eastern Himalaya’s region. Indian Journal of Animal Research 54 (11), 1332-1337.
2M. Singh, R.T. Mollier, P.R. Sharma, G. Kadirvel, S. Doley, R.K. Sanjukta, D.J. Rajkhowa, B.K. Kandpal, D. Kumar, M.H. Khan and A. Mitra. 2020. Dietary flaxseed oil improves boar semen quality, antioxidant status and in-vivo fertility in humid sub-tropical region of North East India. Theriogenology, 159:123-131.
3Deori, S., Johannisson, A. and Morrell, J. M. 2020. Single Layer Centrifugation with 20% or 30% Porcicoll separates the majority of spermatozoa from a sample without adversely affecting sperm quality. Reproduction in Domestic Animals, 55: 1337-1342.
4Rahman, M., Phookan, A., Zaman, G.U., Ahmed, S.I., Deori, S. and Hoque, E. 2020. Performance of Doom pigs under different production systems in subtropical ecosystem of northeast India. Indian Journal of Animal Sciences, 90(2): 292-295.
5P. Perumal, S. Chang, A. K. De, K.K. Baruah, K. Khate, K. Vupru and Abhijit Mitra. 2020.Slow-release exogenous melatonin modulates scrotal circumference and testicular parameters, libido, endocrinological profiles and antioxidant and oxidative stress profiles in Mithun. Theriogenology 154: 1-10.
6R Talukdar, RK Biswas, G Kadirvel, BC Deka, S Sinha and L Buragohain (2020) Effect of supplementing additives in leptin-enriched maturation medium during in vitro maturation and vitrification of goat oocytes. Turkish Journal of Veterinary and Animal Sciences 44 (2), 273-283.
7Rahul Katiyar, Subrata Kumar Ghosh, Jai Kishan Prasad, Abhishek Kumar, Lhendup Bhutia, Vinod Gupta and Rupali Rautela (2020). Incubation with cholesterol loaded cyclodextrin and subsequent dilution in partially deoxygenated extender improves the freezability crossbred bull sperm. CryoLetters. 41 (5): 257-266.
8Mahak Singh, S.K. Ghosh, J.K. Prasad, Rahul Katiyar, G.K. Das, S.K. Dhara, Rafiqul Islam, G. Kadirvel, Ashok Kumar, J.S. Rajoriya, Med Ram Verma. 2020. Single melatonin treatment improves reproductive performance of Singharey goats during non-breeding season under sub-tropical condition of North East India. Small Ruminant Research.DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.smallrumres.2020.106232
9Athanas Alex Ngou, S.K. Ghosh, J.K. Prasad, Rahul Katiyar, Abhishek Kumar, Rupali Rautela, AmarjeetBisla, N. Srivastava, Ajay Kumar. 2020. Exploring the role of E. coli derived enzyme, Oxyrase, as an oxygen scavenger to improve the cryotolerance of spermatozoa of Sahiwal bull. Cryobiology. 97: 85-92.
10Bisla, A., Srivastava, N., Rautela, R., Yadav, V., Singh, P., Kumar, A., Ghosh, S.K., Ghosh, S. Katiyar, R. 2020. Effect of ultra-sonication and peptization on the aqueous phase stability of iron oxide nanoparticles. Inorganic and Nano-Metal Chemistry. DOI: 10.1080/24701556.2020.1735426.
11Milton AAP, Sanjukta RK, Gogoi AP, Momin KM, Priya GB, Das S, Ghatak S, Sen A, Kandpal BK. 2020. Prevalence, molecular typing and antibiotic resistance of Clostridium perfringens in free range ducks in Northeast India. Anaerobe 64, 102242.
12Ghatak, S., Armstrong, C.M., Reed, S., He, Y. 2020. Comparative Methylome Analysis of Campylobacter jejuni Strain YH002 Reveals a Putative Novel Motif and Diverse Epigenetic Regulations of Virulence Genes. Frontiers in Microbiology. 11, 3368.
13Ghatak, S., He, Y., Reed, S., Irwin, P. 2020. Comparative Genomic Analysis of a Multidrug-Resistant Campylobacter jejuni Strain YH002 Isolated from Retail Beef Liver. Foodborne Pathogens and Disease. https://doi.org/10.1089/fpd.2019.2770.
14Mishra, A., Chhonker, Y.S., Bisen, A.C., Prasad, Y.D., Tulsankar, S.L., Chandasana, H., Dey, T., Verma, S.K., Bala, V., Kanojiya, S., Ghatak, S., Bhatta, R.S. 2020. Rapid and Simultaneous Analysis of Multiple Classes of Antimicrobial Drugs by Liquid Chromatography-Tandem Mass Spectrometry and Its Application to Routine Biomedical, Food, and Soil Analyses. ACS Omega 5, 31584–31597.
15Momin, K.M., Milton, A.A.P., Ghatak, S., Thomas, S.C., Priya, G.B., Das, S., Shakuntala, I., Sanjukta, R., Puro, K., Sen, A. 2020. Development of a novel and rapid polymerase spiral reaction (PSR) assay to detect Salmonella in pork and pork products. Molecular and Cellular Probes 50, 101510.
16Shakuntala, I., Ghatak, S., Das, S., Milton, A.A., Sanjukta, R., Puro, K., Dutta, A., Kakoty, K., Karam, A., Sen, A., 2020. Seroepidemiological survey of brucellosis and isolation of Brucella suisfrom swine herds of Meghalaya, North-East India. Indian Journal of Animal Sciences 90, 12–16.
17Saminathan M, Singh KP, Vineetha S, MadhulinaMaity SK, Biswas GB, Manjunathareddy, H.C. Chauhan, A.A.P. Milton, et al. 2020. Virological, immunological and pathological findings of transplacentally transmitted bluetongue virus serotype 1 in IFNAR1-blockedmice during early and mid-gestation. Scientific Reports, 10:1–19.
18Kumar N, Singh R, Saminathan M, Singh K.P, Dhama K, Milton AAP, Kurade NP. 2020. Therapeutic effect of hydroethanolic extract of Trianthemaportulacastrum L. against N-Nitroso-N-Methyl urea-induced mammary tumors in Wistar rats. Indian Journal of Traditional Knowledge 19(2), 406-415.
19Priya, G.B., Agrawal, R.K., Milton, A.A.P., Mishra, M., Mendiratta, S.K., Luke, A., Singh, B.R. and Kumar, D. 2020. Rapid and visual detection of Salmonella in meat using invasion A (invA) gene-based loop-mediated isothermal amplification assay. LWT Food Science &Technology 126, 109262.
20Ashwin A. Raut. Ashutosh Aasdev, Anamika Mishra, Biswajit Dutta, Arpita Bharali, NayanmoniKonwar, Chandan K. Dubey, SanthalembiChingtham, Satyam D. Pawar, Ruchika Raghuvanshi, AsenoSakhrie, Arnab Sen, et al. 2020. Detection of coinfection of a divergent subgroup of genotype I Japanese encephalitis virus in multiple classical swine fever virus outbreaks in pigs of Assam, India. Transboundary and Emerging Diseases 00:1–6.
21Lalhruaipuii K, Shakuntala I, Sen A. 2020. Seroprevalence of porcine reproductive and respiratorysyndrome virus and classical swine fever virus in pigsof Mizoram, India. Journal of Environmental Biology, 41, 915-920.
22Upasama De Silva Senapathi, Mohamed Aboelkhair, Kekungu-u Puro, Mariam Ali, ArunaAmarasinghe, M. Sarjoon Abdul-Cader, Guido Van Marle, Markus Czub and Mohamed Faizal Adbul-Careem. 2020. In ovo delivered toll like receptor 7 ligand resiquimod enhances host responses against Infectious Bronchitis Coronavirus (IBV) infection. Vaccines8, 186.
23S K Das, A Das, S G Singh, N P Devi and P Mahanta. 2020. Utilization of Poultry manure in Fish seed rearing under mid hill condition. Indian Journal of Animal Sciences 90 (5): 824–828.
24Praveenraj J., Thackeray T., Singh S. G., Uma A., Moulitharan N., and Mukhim B. K. 2020. A New Species of Snakehead (Teleostei: Channidae) from East Khasi Hills, Meghalaya, Northeastern India. Copeia 108 (4) 938–947.

Sl. No.

Research Publications

1Mukherjee P., Karam A., Chakraborty A.K., Baruah S., Pegu R., Das S., Milton A.A.P., K. Puro, Sanjukta, R., Ghatak S, Shakuntala I., Laha R.G., Sen A. 2019. Identification of a novel cluster of PCV2 isolates from Meghalaya, India indicates possible recombination along with changes in capsid protein. Infection Genetics and Evolution, 71, 7-15.
2Shakuntala I, Das S., Ghatak S., Milton A.A.P., Sanjukta R.K., Puro K., Pegu R.K., Duarah A., Barbuddhe S.B., Sen A. 2019. Prevalence, characterization, and genetic diversity of Listeria monocytogenes isolated from foods of animal origin in North East India. Food Biotechnology, 33, 237-250.
3R K Sanjukta, H surmani, R K Mandakini, A A P Milton, S Das, K Puro, S Ghatak, I Shakuntala and A. Sen. 2019. Characterization of MDR and ESBL-producing E. coli strains from healthy swine herds of North-eastern India. Indian Journal of Animal Sciences 89(6): 625–631.
4Rakesh Kumar, Vishnu Kumar, Puro Kekungu-u, Nagendra N Burman, Sachin Kumar 2019. Evaluation of surface glycoproteins of classical swine fever virus as immunogens and reagents for serological diagnosis of infections in pigs: a recombinant Newcastle disease virus approach. Archives of Virology. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00705-019-04425-4.
5Kadirvel, G., M. Rahaman, Singh L.A. and N.M. Singh 2019. Phenotypic Characterization and performance evaluation of Burmese black pig: A unique germ plasm of north east India. IndianJournal of Animal Research, B-3843, 813-819
6G. Kadirvel, Kalita, M.K, R. J. Dewry, 2019. Semen Quality and fertility of stored and frozen-thawed semen in cross bred pigs. Indian Journal of Animal Research 53(1): 4144        
7A Kumar, S Mehrotra, G Singh, A Khati, G Kadirvel, AS Mahla, S Jain. 2019. Estimation of serum minerals and glucose following subcutaneous melatonin treatment for restoration of ovarian cyclicity in summer anestrus buffaloes (Bubalus bubalis).Indian Journal of Animal Sciences 89(1): 30-33
8Praveenraj J., Uma A., Moulitharan N., and Singh G.S. 2019. A New Species of Dwarf Channa (Teleostei: Channidae) from Meghalaya, Northeast India. Copeia 107, 61–70.

Sl. No.

Research Publications

1SK Baishya, R Kumar Biswas, Kadirvel G, BC Deka, S Sinha. 2018. Effect of Reduced Glutathione, Water Soluble Vitamin E Analogue and Butylated Hydroxytoluene on The Post Thaw Characteristics of Boar Spermatozoa. Cryo Letters 39 (4), 227-234 
2SK Baishya, RK Biswas, Kadirvel. G, BC Deka, S Sinha, M Singh. 2018. Pre-Freezing Treatment with Butylated Hydroxytoluene And Cholesterol-Loaded Methyl-β-Cyclodextrin Improves Quality of Cryopreserved Boar Semen. Cryo Letters 39 (5), 336-344.
3P. Perumal, S. Chang, K.K. Baruah, N. Srivastava. 2018.Administration of slow-release exogenous melatonin modulates oxidative stress profiles and in vitro fertilizing ability of the cryopreserved mithun (Bos frontalis) spermatozoa.Theriogenology 120, 79-90.
4Borah, B. K. D., Deka, B. C., Biswas, R.K., Sinha, S., Ahmed, K., Chakravarty, P. and Deori, S. 2018. Effect of different glycerol levels in tris-based extender on quality of frozen yak semen. Indian Journal of Animal Sciences, 88(4): 428-430.
5Medhi, D., Chakravarty, P., Deori, S. and Santra, A. 2018. Nutritional status and compensatory growth in yak calves maintained on different plane of nutrition. Indian Journal of Animal Sciences, 88(4): 506-508.
6Deori S., Deka B.C., Biswas R.K., Nahardeka N., Arangasamy A., Bhuyan D., Kalita D.J., Borah R. S. and Arundhati Phookan. 2018. Characteristics and freezability of Assam Hill goat semen. Indian Journal of Animal Research, 52 (1): 25-28.
7Balamurugan, S.K. Ghosh, S.A. Lone J.K. Prasad, G.K. Das, R. Katiyar, Abdul Rahman Mustapha, Ajay Kumar, M.R. Verma. 2018. Partial deoxygenation of extender improves sperm quality, reduces lipid peroxidation and reactive oxygen species during cryopreservation of buffalo (Bubalus bubalis) semen. Animal Reproduction Science. 189: 60-68.
8R. Rautela, G.K. Das, F.A. Khan, S. Prasad, A. Kumar, J.K. Prasad, S.K. Ghosh, H. Dhanze, Rahul Katiyar, S.K. Srivastava. 2018. Anti-Antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects of Aegle marmelos and Murrayakoenigii in dairy cows with endometritis. Livestock Science, 214: 142-148.
9Balamurugan, S.K. Ghosh, S.A. Lone, J.K. Prasad, G.K. Das, R. Katiyar, Abdul Rahman Mustapha, Ajay Kumar, M.R. Verma. 2018. Effect of liquid nitrogen flushing of extender on seminal antioxidant profile of Murrah buffalo during cryopreservation. Cryo Letters 39(5): 279-287.
10Abhishek Kumar, J.K. Prasad, A.R. Mustapha, R. Katiyar, G.K. Das, S.K. Ghosh and M.R. Verma. 2018. Effect of optimization of the levels of dissolved oxygen in semen extender on physico-morphological attributes and functional membrane integrity of crossbred bull spermatozoa. Indian Journal of Animal Research. DOI: 10.18805/ijar. B-3585.
11Abhishek Kumar, J.K. Prasad, A.R. Mustapha, Beigh Yaqoob Amin, Omer Din, R. Katiyar, G.K. Das, N. Srivastava, Ajay Kumar, M.R. Verma, S.K. Ghosh. 2018. Reduction of dissolved oxygen in semen extender with nitrogen gassing reduces oxidative stress and improves post-thaw semen quality of bulls. Animal Reproduction Science.197: 162-169.
12Milton A.A.P., Agarwal R.K., Priya G.B., Aravind M., Athira C.K., Rose L., et al., 2018. Captive wildlife from India as carriers of Shiga toxin-producing, Enteropathogenic and Enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli. Journal of Veterinary Medical Science 81, 321-327.
13Priya G.B., Agrawal R.K., Milton A.A.P., Mishra M, Mendiratta S.K., Agarwal R.K., et al., 2018. Development and evaluation of isothermal amplification assay for the rapid and sensitive detection of Clostridium perfringens from chevon. Anaerobe, 54, 178-187.
14Milton A.A.P., Agarwal R.K., Priya G.B., Athira C.K., Saminathan M., Reddy A., et al., 2018. Occurrence, antimicrobial susceptibility patterns and genotypic relatedness of Salmonella spp. isolates from captive wildlife, their caretakers, feed and water in India. Epidemiology and Infection, 146, 1543–1549.
15Athira C.K., Milton A.A.P., Reddy A., Rajendrakumar M.A., Abhishek, Verma M.R., 2018. Diversity of toxin-genotypes among Clostridium perfringens isolated from healthy and diarrheic neonatal cattle and buffalo calves. Anaerobe 49, 99-102.
16Mukherjee, P., Karam, A, Barkalita, L.,Borah, P., Chakraborty, A.K., Das, S., Puro, K., Sanjukta, R., Ghatak, S., Shakuntala, I., Laha, R., Sen. A and Sharma, I. 2018. Porcine circovirus in the north eastern region of India: Disease prevalence and genetic variation among the isolates from areas of intensive pig rearing. Acta Tropica 182:166-172.
17Senthilkumar D, Rajukumar K, Sen A, Kumar M, Shrivastava D, Kalaiyarasu S, Gautam S, Singh F, Kulkarni DD, Singh VP. 2018. Pathogenic characterization of porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus of Indian origin in experimentally infected piglets. Transboundary and Emerging Disease, 65(6):1522-1536.
18Barman NN, Nath B, Kumar V, Sen A, Dutta TK, Dutta B, Rahman T, Kumar S. The emergence of porcine circovirus 2 infections in the Northeastern part of India: A retrospective study from 2011 to 2017. 2018.Transboundary and Emerging Disease, 65(6):1959-1967.
19Das, M., Deka, D.K., Sarmah, A.K., Sarma, P.C. and Islam S. 2018. Gastrointestinal parasitic infections in Cattle and Swamp Buffalo of Guwahati, Assam, India. Indian Journal of Animal Research. 52(12):1732-1738.
20Kaleeswaran G, Firake DM, Sanjukta R, Behere GT., Ngachan SV. 2018. Bamboo-Leaf Prickly Ash extract: A potential bio-pesticide against oriental leaf worm, Spodoptera litura (Fabricius). Journal of Environmental Management. 208:46-55.
21G Kaleeswaran, DM Firake, GT Behere, GK Challa, RK Sanjukta. 2018. Insecticidal potential of traditionally important plant, Zanthoxylum armatum DC (Rutaceae) against cabbage butterfly, Pieris brassicae (Linnaeus).Indian Journal of Traditional Knowledge. NISCAIR-CSIR, India
22Hanbo Li, Baofeng Su, Guyu Qin, Zhi Ye,Ahmed Elaswad,   Ahmed Alsaqufi, Dayan A. Perera, Zhenkui Qin, Ramji Odin,Khoi Vo,David  Drescher, Dalton  Robinson, Sheng  Dong, Dan Zhang,  Mei  Shang, Nermeen  Abass, Sanjay K. Das, Max Bangs and Rex A. Dunham. 2018. Repressible Transgenic Sterilization in Channel Catfish, Ictalurus punctatus, by Knockdown of Primordial Germ Cell Genes with Copper-Sensitive Constructs. Marine Biotechnology, 20, 324–342.
23A.Sharma, N.K.Chadha, S.K.Das, A.Sen, S.Damroy,T.B.Chanu,P.Banerjee Sawant and C.Prakash. 2018. Asparagus racemosus aqueous root extract induced effects on cellular immune reaction of Labeorohita (Hamilton). Indian Journal of Animal Sciences 88(2):251-258.

Sl. No.

Research Publications

1S. K. Das and Th.N.Singh. 2017. Captive breeding and Embryonic development of Endangered, Osteobramabelangeri (val.,1844) under Mid-hill condition in North east India. Indian Journal of Animal Sciences 87(12):1546-1550.
2S. K. Das. 2017. Performance of an improved breed of common carp - Amur (Hungarian strain) in the North-eastern hill state of Meghalaya, India. Indian Journal of Fisheries, 64(Special Issue):33-38,2017
3S. K. Das, T. Samajdar, Amit Das And M. Islam. 2017. Farmer participatory pond-based cage aquaculture for raising fish seed in South Garo Hills, Meghalaya, Indian Journal of Fisheries64(2): 122-126.
4A Kumar, RK Dewry, R Singh, PC Jat, M Singh, G Kadirvel. 2017. Pregnancy diagnosis in pigs using seed germination inhibition test: An evaluation study in Meghalaya. Indian Journal of Animal Sciences 87 (8), 956-959.
5G. Kadirvel, K.M. Bujarbaruah, Shikshit Kumar, S.V. Ngachan. 2017. Oestrus synchronization with fixed-time artificial insemination in smallholder pig production systems in        north-east India: Success rate and benefits. South African Journal of Animal Science 47(2):140-145.
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