ICAR Research Complex for NEH Region is Celebrating Golden Jubilee Year 2024-2025  

ICAR- KRISHI VIGYAN KENDR, Kiphire (Agriculture Science Centre)
Dr. Lahar Jyoti Bordoloi
Senior Scientist & Head
: 7085175664
: laharjyoti73@gmail.com

ICAR- KVK Kiphire (Nagaland) was established on 7th September 2017 under the administrative control of ICAR Research Complex for NEH Region, Umiam, Meghalaya under ICAR- Agricultural Technology Application Research Institute (ATARI), Zone-VII, Umiam, Meghalaya for testing location specific technologies developed by research Institute/Agricultural Universities for large scale demonstration with the capacity building/skill development for farmers, farm women, rural youths, school drop outs and extension functionaries in the district.

Vision: Science and technology-led growth leading to enhanced productivity, profitability and sustainability of agriculture.
Mission: Farmer-centric growth in agriculture and allied sectors through application of appropriate technologies in specific agro-ecosystem perspective.
Mandate: Technology Assessment and Demonstration for its Application and Capacity Development (TADA-CD)

Subject Matter Specialist

Dr. N. Khumdemo Ezung
Subject Matter Specialist (Agronomy)
: 8414887190
: ezungkhumdemo@gmail.com

KVK Activities

  • Baseline survey to identify and inventorize technology, extension and training needs of the operational area.
  • On Farm Testing (OFT) to assess the location specificity of agricultural technologies in various farming situations.
  • Out scaling of the promising technologies through Front Line Demonstrations (FLDs) to showcase their specific and quantifiable benefits in actual farmer’s field condition.
  • Capacity development through conduct of need based training programs for various target groups viz., farmers, rural youths, extension functionaries etc
  • Developing and organizing non-formal educational programmes by way of field days, farm visits, farmers fair, radio talk, Farm Science clubs etc. as the follow up information support to training courses.
  • Function as a knowledge and resource centre by developing and maintaining the campus farms and demonstration units on scientific lines as the facilities for providing work experience to the trainees as also disseminating the latest technical knowhow.
  • Providing added training facilities in the areas for home making and nutrition education for rural community.
  • Being located in the only Aspirational District of the state of Nagaland, KVK, Kiphire is closely involved in all special the programs of the GOI and NITI AYOG earmarked for the district in close collaboration with the line departments and the district administration.
  • Conduct frontline extension programmes and provide farm advisories using ICT and other media on varied subjects of interest to farmers.
  • Data documentation, characterization and strategic planning of farming practices

Thrust Areas

  • Location specific integrated farming system (IFS) model for enhancing system productivity, soil health, ecosystem services and also as a tool against Jhum cultivation.
  • Adequate and efficient soil priming as a tool for better utilization of the rich native pool of soil nutrients.
  • Popularization of HYVs of cereals, pulses, oilseeds and vegetables to increase cropping intensity.
  • Scientific livestock management with appropriate housing, feeding, breeding and health management.
  • Round the year production of maize- the most prominent crop of the district in rotation with legume.
  • Enhancing productivity of French bean (Kholar)- the ODOP crop of the district.
  • Promotion of homestead farming based production system.
  • In situ generation of organic inputs through utilization of vermicomposting and enriched composting technologies.
  • Promotion of organic farming and Natural farming practices.
  • Enhancing rabi season productivity of the district through efficient utilization of ‘Jalkund’ technology.
  • Creation of much in need facilities such as maize crusher (for making pig feed), oil expeller, millet processing unit etc.
  • Promotion of oilseed sector through mass scale awareness, training and demonstration
  • Capacity building programme for rural youth and women through vocational training
  • Formation of Selp Help Group (SHG), Farmers Club, Kisan Gosthi, Commodity Interest Group (CIGs), Farmers Interest Group (FIGs) and FPOs


     AS per the mandates, KVK Kiphire is working at the grassroot level for upliftment of the farming community in particular and the society in general through its various activities. The major areas of training include scientific crop production, soil health and fertility management through organic and INM practices, integrated pest and disease Management, integrated farming system (IFS), crop diversification, processing and value addition, scientific livestock management, in situ resource generation through composting technologies, organic and natural farming etc.
     In order to assess the location specificity of agricultural technologies under various farming systems, On Farm Trials(OFT) were conducted on the farmers’ field under the thematic areas of varietal evaluation, integrated farming systems, organic and integrated nutrient management, value addition, storage techniques, farm machineries, etc.
     To demonstrate the production potential of newly released technologies on the farmers’ fields at various locations, technologies were demonstrated on crop production technologies, nutrient management technologies, integrated farming system module, homestead farming based production system, scientific animal husbandry, backyard poultry and pig farming etc.
     The major extension activities include Diagnostic visits, Exposure visits, Scientists visit to farmers’ field, Kisan Mela, Animal Health Camps, Field Days, Exhibitions, Advisory services, TV/ Radio Talks, Celebration of important days, Film Show, Self Help Group Convenors Meeting, Method demonstrations, Kisan Goshthis, Mahila Mandal Convenors Meetings, distribution of extension literature like technical bulletins, leaflets, pamphlets, folders, etc.
     Apart from the mandated activities, KVK Kiphire is also involved in many other projects and Flagship programmes like Biotech KISAN Hub project, pilot project under CM corpus fund (Aspirational District Program), NADEP project under Krishi Kalyan Abhiyan (KKA), PKVY scheme, Nutri-sensitive Agricultural Resources and Innovation (NARI), Knowledge Systems and Homestead Management of Agriculture in Tribal Areas (KSHMTA), Swachhta Action Plan (SAP), Tribal Sub-Plan programme (TSP), Farmers’ Outreach Programme on Natural Farming etc.
     The KVK Kiphire has also established linkages with other departments /agencies also like, VPKAS, Almora, IIHR, Benhgaluru, ,IARI, New Delhi, CRIDA, Hyderabad, , IIPR, Kanpur, IISR, Kerala, SBI, NBHM, NABARD, ATMA and other line departments of state etc.
     KVK Kiphire is also engaged in conducting special programmes viz., World Soil Day, Rashtriya Kisan Diwas International Women’s Day, Poshan Maah, World Environment Day, Swachhta Pakhwada etc.

On Farm Testings (OFTs) conducted so far:

Sl. No. Title
1 Performance of field pea var. Prakash in rice-pea system in Kiphire District, Nagaland
2 Performance of rice var. Pusa Sugand-5 and toria var. TS-38 in rice-toria cropping system in Kiphire District, Nagaland
3 Performance of field pea var. Aman under rice-pea system in Kiphire District, Nagaland
4 Performance of greengram var. Pratap under maize based intercropping in Kiphire District, Nagaland
5 Performance trial on medium duration maize var. HQPM 5 in Kiphire District, Nagaland
6 Performance of medium duration maize var. RCM-75 and RCM-76 as compared to local maize in Kiphire District, Nagaland
7 Performance of seed treatment of maize with biofertilizer (Azotobacter and PSB) @ 250 g/10 kgs seed in Kiphire District, Nagaland
8 Performance trial on management of storage pest in maize and rajmah through hermatic storage bag
9 Performance trial on dual purpose poultry breed vanaraja in Kiphire District, Nagaland
10 Performance trial on broccoli var. KTS-1 under polyhouse and open condition at Kiphire District, Nagaland
11 Performance trial on potato var. Kufri Kanchan in Kiphire District, Nagaland
12 Performance of trial on Naga Mircha under open and poly house condition in Kiphire, Nagaland
13 Performance of trial on biofortified pearlmillet var. Dhanashakti (ICTP-8203 Fe) in Kiphire, Nagaland
14 Performance trial on garlic varieties VL Garlic 1 and VL Lasun 2 in Kiphire District, Nagaland
15 Performance trial on White Pekin and Khaki Campbell in Kiphire District, Nagaland
16 Performance trial on management of FAW in maize in Kiphire District, Nagaland

Front line demonstrations (FLDs) conducted so far:

Sl. No. Title No./ Area/ No. of beneficiaries
Year 2018
1 Popularization of seed treatment of maize with biofertilizer (Azotobacter) @ 250 g/10 kgs seed 100
2 Popularization of field pea var-Prakash in rice-pea system 20
3 Popularization of garden pea var-Arkel in rice-pea system 20
Year 2019
1 Popularization of seed treatment of maize with biofertilizer (Azotobacter) @ 250 g/10 kgs seed
2 Popularization of vanaraja in Kiphire, District, Nagaland
3 Popularization of field pea var-Aman in rice-pea system
4 Popularization of vermicomposting in Kiphire, District, Nagaland
Year 2020
1 Popularization of medium duration maize var. RCM-76 at Kiphire, Nagaland 10 farmers in 1 ha area
2 Popularization of vermicomposting using lowcost vermibed in Kiphire, District, Nagaland 45
3 Popularization of field pea var. Aman in Kiphire, District, Nagaland 6
4 Popularization of toria pea var. TS-38 in Kiphire, District, Nagaland 11
5 Popularization of poultry breed vanaraja in Kiphire, District, Nagaland 339/3500 chicks
Year 2021
1 Popularization of potato variety Kufri Kanchan 16
2 Popularization of medium duration maize var. HQPM 5 in Kiphire, Nagaland 10
3 Popularization of field pea var. Aman in Kiphire, District, Nagaland 42
4 Popularization of poultry breed vanaraja in Kiphire, District, Nagaland 117
5 Popularization of vermicomposting using lowcost vermibed in Kiphire, District, Nagaland 14
6 Popularization of safe storage of storage pest using Hermatic bag 300
7 Popularization of lowcost water harvesting structure, Jalkund 5
Year 2022
1 Popularization of medium duration maize var. RCM-76 at Kiphire, Nagaland 16
2 Popularization of medium duration maize var. HQPM 5 in Kiphire, Nagaland 10
3 Popularization of vermicomposting using lowcost vermibed in Kiphire, District, Nagaland 14
4 Popularization of poultry breed vanaraja in Kiphire, District, Nagaland 117
5 Popularization of lowcost water harvesting structure, Jalkund 5
Year 2021
1 Popularization of medium duration maize var. RCM-76 at Kiphire, Nagaland 10
2 Popularization of medium duration maize var. HQPM 5 in Kiphire, Nagaland 10
3 Popularization of poultry breed vanaraja in Kiphire, District, Nagaland 117
4 Popularization of toria variety TS 67 in Kiphire, Nagaland 4000 chicks
5 Popularization of biofortified pearlmillet var. Dhanashakti (ICTP-8203 Fe) in Kiphire, Nagaland 19
6 Popularization of lowcost water harvesting structure, Jalkund 5
7 Popularization of field pea variety IPFD 10-12 in Kiphire, Nagaland 107

Projects implemented so far:

1 Feed making unit funded by District Administration under Chief Ministers Corpus Fund for aspirational District
2 Pig breeding unit funded by District Administration under Chief Ministers Corpus Fund for aspirational District
3 Oil expeller unit funded by District Administration under NITI Aayog Aspirational District Special Grants
4 Custom Hiring Centre funded by District Administration under NITI Aayog Aspirational District Special Grants
5 Soybean cultivation funded by District Administration under NITI Aayog Aspirational District Special Grants
6 Millet Processing Units funded by District Administration under NITI Aayog Aspirational District Special Grants
7 Expansion of activities of Biotech KISAN Hub in selected seven aspirational districts of North East States funded by Ministry of Science and Technology, DBT
8 Promotion of backyard poultry farming with improved breed/variety at Kiphire Aspirational District funded by TSP
9 Promotion of backyard piggery for livelihood security at Kiphire Aspirational District funded by TSP
10 NARI (Nutri-Sensitive Agricultural Resources and Innovation) Project
11 Knowledge Systems and Homestead Agriculture Management in Tribal Areas (KSHAMTA)
12 Implementation of NADEP project during Krishi Kalyan Abhiyan
13 Implementation of PKVY scheme
14 Swachhta Action Plan program
15 Out scaling of Natural Farming project through KVK’s
16 District Agro-Meteorology Unit (DAMU) funded by IMD

Publications of KVK, Kiphire

A. Research Papers
Sl. No Title Journal Year of publication Authors
1 Weed growth and nutrient uptake in organically managed rice and maize as affected by nitrogen management and live mulching with cowpea Indian Journal of Agriculture Research 2018 N. Khumdemo Ezung1, J.K. Choudhary2, J.C. Das3, Noyingthung Kikon*4 and Rukuosietuo Kuotsu5
2 Crop and Weed Growth in Direct-Seeded Rice Cultivars as affected by Different Weed Management Practices under Rainfed Conditions of Nagaland, India International Journal of current microbiology and applied sciences 2018 Noyingthung Kikon1, T. Gohain1, N. Khumdemo Ezung2 and T. Angami3*
3 Efficacy of Organically Managed Cropping System in Improvement of Soil Health in NE Hill Region International Journal of current microbiology and applied sciences N. Khumdemo Ezung1, J.K. Choudhary1, K. Kurmi1, Noyingthung Kikon2* and Moasunep3
4 Study on Maize-Sesamum Cropping System as Influenced by Weed and Organic Nutrient Management on Yield and Soil Health under Rainfed Condition of North East India International Journal of current microbiology and applied sciences 2019 Moasunep1, J.K. Choudhary2 and N. Khumdemo Ezung3*
5 Study on Growth and Yield of Upland Terrace Rice As Affected By Different Levels of Nitrogen and Spacing in Kiphire District, Nagaland of NE India International Journal of current microbiology and applied sciences 2019 N. Khumdemo Ezung* and Tiatula Jamir
6 Economics of Pea-Oat Intercropping System as Influenced by Integrated Nutrient Management International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences 2019 Khumlo Levish Chongloi1 , K.K. Sharma2 and N. Khumdemo Ezung3 *
7 Comparative study on rice and maize based cropping system as influenced by Organic nutrient management in hill areas of NE India International Journal of Current Advanced Research 2019 N.Khumdemo Ezung1 J.K.Choudhary2 and Tiatula Jamir3
8 Response on Growth and Yield of Maize as Affected by Different Intercropping Systems under Rubber Plantation in Hill Areas of Nagaland International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences 2019 K. Samuel Sangtam1*, N. Khumdemo Ezung2 and Tiatula Jamir3
9 Study on growth, yield and economics in maize as influenced by different levels of nitrogen applied through vermicompost and spacing in hill areas of north east india Journal of soil and crops 2019 N. Khumdemo Ezung1 and Tiatula Jamir2
10 Response on Growth and Yield of Maize as Affected by Different Intercropping Systems under Rubber Plantation in Hill Areas of Nagaland International Journal of current microbiology and applied sciences 2019 K. Samuel Sangtam1*, N. Khumdemo Ezung2 and Tiatula Jamir3
11 Performance of rice and maize based cropping systems as influenced by organic nitrogen, weed and phosphorus management in hill areas of north east India Journal of soil and crops 2020 N. Khumdemo Ezung1, J. K. Choudhary2, Tiatula Jamir3 and Moasunep4
12 Population Dynamics of Citrus Leaf Miner (Phyllocnistis citrella) and its Relationship with Seasonal Flush Emergence Research Journal of Agricultural Sciences 2020 Tiatula Jamir1 and N Khumdemo Ezung2
13 Nitrogen, Phosphorus and Potassium Content and Uptake in Maize and Sesamum Crops as Influenced by the Weeding and Organic Nutrient Application under Rainfed Maize-Sesamum Sequence Research Journal of Agricultural Sciences 2020 Moasunep1, J K Choudhary2 and N Khumdemo Ezung3
14 Performance of Greengram as Influenced by Different Levels of Vermicompost + Rhizobium and Spacing on Growth, Yield and Economics under Upland Terrace Condition of North East India Research Journal of Agricultural Sciences 2020 N Khumdemo Ezung1, M Ben Yanthan2 , D J Rajkhowa3 and Tiatula Jamir4
15 Non-herbicidal Weed and Organic Nutrient Management in Maize under Rainfed Maize-Sesamum Cropping Sequence Current Agriculture Research Journal 2020 Moasunep1, Choudhary, J.K.2 and N. Khumdemo Ezung3
16 Study on economics of cropping systems as influenced by organic nutrient management in hilly areas of ne region Journal of Soils and Crops 2021 N. Khumdemo Ezung1, J.K. Choudhary2 and Tiatula Jamir3
17 Study on economics of cropping systems as influenced by organic nutrient management in hilly areas of NE region Journal of Soils and Crops 2021 N. Khumdemo Ezung1, J.K. Choudhary2 and Tiatula Jamir3
B. Other Publications:
State Name of KVK Category Topic Year of Publication Authors Journal/Publisher
Nagaland Kiphire Manual/ Bulletins Training manual on Skill development programme for Mushroom Grower 2019 E. Lireni Kikon, N. Khumdemo Ezung, Jyotish Barman, Rajesha g. and d.J. Rajkhowa Joint Director ICAR for NEH Region, Nagaland Centre
Nagaland Kiphire Manual/ Bulletins Impact of Biotech KISAN expansion project on entrepreneurship development through cluster-based pig farming in seven Aspirational districts of North Eastern States 2019 Division of Animal and fishery Sciences ICAR research Complex for NEH region, Umiam Division of Animal and fishery Sciences ICAR research Complex for NEH region, Umiam
Nagaland Kiphire Manual/ Bulletins Report on implementation of Krishi Kalyan Abhiyan at Aspirational district, Kiphire, Nagaland1st June – 25th December, 2018 2019 N. Khumdemo Ezung, R. SantsuKithan H. ToluviAyemi, D. J. Rajkhowa, Abhijit Mitra Joint Director ICAR for NEH Region, Nagaland Centre
Nagaland Kiphire Manual/ Bulletins Technology Assessment Through On Farm Trials for Kiphire District Nagaland 2023 N. Khumdemo Ezung, D.J.Rajkhowa, H. Kalita, Tiatula Jamir, Temjenna Jamir and Litekhing Sangtam HoRC, ICAR for NEH Region, Nagaland Centre
C. Popular Articles
Nagaland Kiphire Popular article Crop rotation towards sustaining agriculture 2019 Dr. N.Khumdemo Ezung Morung Express
Nagaland Kiphire Popular article On farm Trial on System of Rice Intensification (SRI) under Wokha District 2019 Dr. N.Khumdemo Ezung The Morung Express
Nagaland Kiphire Popular article Weed management 2019 Dr. N.Khumdemo Ezung The Morung Express
Nagaland Kiphire Popular article Acid Soils and its Management 2019 Dr. N.Khumdemo Ezung The Morung Express
Nagaland Kiphire Popular article Alder based Agro-forestry system 2019 Dr. N.Khumdemo Ezung The Morung Express
Nagaland Kiphire Popular article Eat pumkin, stay healthy 2019 Dr. N.Khumdemo Ezung The Morung Express
Nagaland Kiphire Popular article Integrated Farming System: Institutional Support Systems and Ways to Revitalize 2022 Dr. N.Khumdemo Ezung The Morung Express
Nagaland Kiphire Popular article Role of Livestock based Integrated Farming System for enhancing the farmers’ income 2022 Dr. N.Khumdemo Ezung The Morung Express
D. Extension Folders
Nagaland Kiphire Folders Cabbage cultivation 2019 Dr. N.Khumdemo Ezung, Z James Kikon, Dr. Tiatula Jamir, E.LireniKikon Joint Director ICAR for NEH Region, Nagaland Centre
Nagaland Kiphire Folders Cultivation practices of rapeseed and mustard 2019 Dr. N.Khumdemo Ezung, Z James Kikon, Dr.Tiatula Jamir, E.LireniKikon Joint Director ICAR for NEH Region, Nagaland Centre
Nagaland Kiphire Folders Cultivation of Maize (Zea mays L.) 2019 Dr. N.Khumdemo Ezung, Z James Kikon, Dr.Tiatula Jamir, E.LireniKikon Joint Director ICAR for NEH Region, Nagaland Centre
Nagaland Kiphire Folders Jalkund, Low cost rain water harvesting structure 2019 Dr. N.Khumdemo Ezung, Z James Kikon, Dr.Tiatula Jamir Joint Director ICAR for NEH Region, Nagaland Centre
Nagaland Kiphire Folders Organic French bean Kheti Kuria 2019 Dr. N.Khumdemo Ezung, Z James Kikon, Dr.Tiatula Jamir Joint Director ICAR for NEH Region, Nagaland Centre
Nagaland Kiphire Folders Organic package and practices of Naga King chilli (Capsicum chinense) 2019 Dr. N.Khumdemo Ezung, Dr.Tiatula Jamir, E.LireniKikon Joint Director ICAR for NEH Region, Nagaland Centre
Nagaland Kiphire Folders Organic production of French bean 2019 Dr. N.Khumdemo Ezung, Z.James Kikon and Dr.Tiatula Jamir Joint Director ICAR for NEH Region, Nagaland Centre
Nagaland Kiphire Folders Rabbitry Management 2019 Dr.EbibeniNgullie, Dr. N.Khumdemo Ezung Joint Director ICAR for NEH Region, Nagaland Centre
Nagaland Kiphire Folders Cauliflower Cultivation 2019 Dr. N.Khumdemo Ezung, Dr.Tiatula Jamir, E.LireniKikon Joint Director ICAR for NEH Region, Nagaland Centre
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