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Technology Demonstration on Scientific Poultry Management and Input Distribution organised

        The Division of Animal and Fisheries Sciences organised a Technology Demonstration on Scientific Poultry Management and Input Distribution 20th January, 2025. The programme was funded from All India Coordinated Project on Poultry Breeding. A total of 20 tribal farmers attended the day long programme. The participants were from Ri Bhoi and East Khasi Hill districts of Meghalaya. During the programme, the participants were made aware regarding scientific housing, feeding, health management and vaccination of the Poultry birds. The Resource Persons briefed the participants about the biosecurity measures to be practised in and around the poultry farm to prevent the disease outbreak. During the programme a total of 700 Vanaraja chicks were distributed among the farmers along with veterinary supplements. During the valedictory programme, the trainees thanked the Director of the institute and AICRP on Poultry Breeding for conducting such beneficial programmes for the tribal farmers of the state. Dr Sourabh Deori, Senior Scientist & PI (AICRP on Poultry Breeding) and Dr Rahul Katiyar, Scientist & Co-PI were the Organising Secretaries. Dr. S.N. Abedin and Dr Ethman A. Marak acted as Resource persons during the programme.